Kevtiva Instant Chat v2.1.2 (C) 1999 Kevtiva Interactive TI-83 plus Basic/ASM Features: -Fast 2 player chat room -All TI-83 Basic characters available -Get new messages every time you send a message -364 bytes (CHAT.83p) 26 bytes (ZALPHA.83p) (Total: 390 bytes) -Deletes all the variables it uses -Automatically presses 2nd + ALPHA, so you don't have to -Messages are saved, until the other person reads them -Multiple messages are separated by dots -Type exit to quit and delete all the variables -You don't have to talk out loud at all Instructions: Send CHAT.83g to 2 calculators. First Run SETUP to install Chat. Once it is installed, delete prgmSETUP and prgmZTEMP. Now that you have successfully Installed Chat onto 2 ti-83 plus', you will never again need prgmSETUP or prgmZTEMP! (unless you delete ZALPHA!) Keep the calculators linked, and then run Chat. Type anything, and press enter to send the message, and receive any new messages. If the program doesn't work, be sure the link cable is firmly attached to both calculators, and then restart Chat on one of the calculators. To recieve a message without sending a new message, just type a space, and press enter. If the link cable comes out while you are chatting, just plug it back in and the program will still work. If you stop receiving messages, be sure the link cable is in all the way. If you accidently stop Chat on one calculator, simply restart it, and it will work fine. To quit Kevtiva Chat, type EXIT. If you get an err:INVALID message, select quit, and the program will say to run SETUP. Simply send ZTEMP to your calculator and then run SETUP. If you don't want ZALPHA, edit chat in Winlink 83 and delete this line--it appears twice in the program: Asm(prgmZALPHA This program uses A and Str0-Str3. previous versions of Kevtiva Chat will not work on the 83 plus. Also, this version will not work on an 83. Chatting between an 83 and an 83 plus: Be sure the 83 has the 83 version, and the 83 plus has the 83 plus version of Kevtiva chat. Then link the calculators, and use the program as normal. Changes since version 1.0: -Twice the size. -Messages you haven't read aren't deleted. -2nd alpha added. (ZALPHA.83p) -AShell compatible. -Display glitch fixed. -Deletes all its variables. -Protected. Changes since version 2.0: -32 bytes smaller. -user friendly error message. -optimized. -uses only five variables. -now if you accidently leave chat, you won't have to restart chat on both calculators. -no longer uses random numbers. -fully compatible with version 2.0 Change since version 2.1: -ported to the TI-83 plus. -a few bytes smaller due to 83 plus syntax changes. -Fully compatible with version 2.0 and version 2.1. Known Bugs: -Twice when I was chatting, I got an error message, and I discovered that Str2 deleted itself. I don't know how it happened, because Str2 is only deleted at the end of the program. If anyone finds out why this happens, please let me know. (Does this happen on the 83 plus version?) -While chatting using this program, it is possible to deliberately mess up the program. This bug won't occur during normal chatting, but if 2 people repeatedly send the exact same message to each other, the program might not work. -If you get the message ERR:DUPLICATE when you run setup, delete prgm ZALPHA. E-Mail: url: