Video Poker 6.00 By Matéo Lucas ------------------ FILES: Poker.8xp - TI-83 Plus POKER83.83P - TI-83 POKER82.82P - TI-82 Simply load the program into your calculator using whatever link method you prefer. I have protected the programs to prevent accidents that tend to happen when sisters steal your calculator. (and other such events) I'd prefer that you didn't outright steal my code, though I cannot stop you. I just ask that you at least e-mail me. I am also welcoming suggestions. And hell, if anyone wants to turn this into an ASM program, go ahead, just send me a copy. ***IMPORTANT: TI-83 PLUS USERS... Do NOT load the poker.8xp file into the Wlink83p program! You must select Send To RAM/Archive from the Link menu and send the file that way. The Texas Instruments Graph Link program does not have support for lowercase text. (nor do any of the other ones for models below the 83 plus) If anyone knows a way around this please tell me. ------------------ Notes on gameplay: -Some of you may wonder what the point of the Idle Mode is... I put that in there as a way to save your batteries. Many a time I have been playing a similar type game and I have quickly put it down to prevent the teacher from seeing it and I just forgot. Of course when I picked it back it had run the batteries down to zero. So I programmed this in to allow the calculator to pause if you have been idle for 30 seconds or more. If you think the program should wait longer, e-mail me. -The score is stored in the ZTmax system variable which will only change when you clear the ram or store a different value to it. (i.e. using parametric mode with zoom commands) -To edit your score if the score DOES get erased, and you don't know how to do it from the home screen, do this: 1: Open Video Poker 2: Select "Reset Score" from the main menu 3: Hit "3" and then "SIN" on the keypad 4: Enter the new score and hit ENTER This was originally a "cheat" feature but I figured there would be too many blokes out there who might get their RAM erased. It is a simple input routine that does not allow you to enter an invalid number and it does not support deleting or backspace. (you can thank TI for not including a graph text input routine in their basic programming) -You can hit DEL or CLEAR to quit from almost any spot in the game except the discard phase (that would be cheating) ...but you can always hit on (if yer yella!) -The 2ND key works everywhere ENTER does -The top f-keys not only work in the discard phase, but on the main menu too. -If you like Bob Dylan as much as I do, you get a 1000000947850000000000113 point boost. (seriously) -------------------- Some possible upcoming features: -Random insults whenever you get jack squat -A quasi-betting system where you simply wager points -Removing some of the "fluff" like status bars, point tables, etc... -An Assembly version (if I ever get around to learning the damned language...) -Any other suggestions? E-mail me ( -------------------- Version history..... I first began this in my sophomore year in high school. Prompted by my friends to provide some form of synthetic caffeine in honors chemistry, I started working on it. The first version sucked, frankly, and it was in split screen mode. However, I had a good code to build on... until I erased my RAM. So I started over from scratch to make version 3.00. After that I switched to the full graph mode and started working more with menus and such. After that my work came in spurts (The quantum theory chapter yielded version 4.00) Until just a few months ago (march 2001) when I came down with infectious mononucleosis caused by the epstein bora bora virus (mono). So all I did was sit around and make it better. So After I came back to school I kept working and then made new versions for the 82 and 83 (speaking of... if anyone knows how to get lowercase text into 82 or 83 basic programs, please tell me) Version 1.00 beta -First version -No menu, analysis, or point system -Split screen mode -Faulty discard routine Version 2.00 -Fixed discard routine -Added analysis and scoring Version 3.00 -Totally rewrote code -Fixed bugs in dealing, drawing, and analyzing routines Version 3.50 -Began implementation of graphical interface -Fixed bug in dealing routine Version 4.00 -Completed implementation of graphical interface -Added main menu -Added point table Version 4.69 -Revamped discard routine -First unlimited edition -First edition to feature lowercase text -Rewrote exit routine to delete variables Version 5.00 -Major update from previous version. -Added status bars (aesthetic value only...) -Added score editing -Added new title screen -Changed main menu -Changed "Battery Preservation" feature to "Idle Mode" feature Version 5.50 -Revamped card dealing routine -Revamped discard routine -Fixed other small bugs & made some optimizations -Completed versions for 82 & 83 (Uppercase text.....grrr) -Rewrote title screen routine to delete variables at start of program as well (runs faster) Version 5.51 -Fixed analysis bug for TI-82 -Fixed small bug that resets score in certain instances Version 6.00 -Finalized versions for 82 & 83 -First public release on DONE...